I managed to squeeze in a post, and squeezed in buying a house too!

Just because I haven’t been around doesn’t mean I don’t think about writing. I actually think about posting something practically every day. The time to be able to sit down and do it on the other hand is non-existent. Richard got back at the beginning of October. We geared up to move for the remainder of the year (while in school full time and taking care of four kids full time), and trekked cross country in January to Arizona. We’ve basically just been suffering through our few months of living here in less than desirable circumstances. All the while still in school full time, taking care of four kids, and Richard being inaccessible.

We recently added another giant stressor on to our plates, but this one is kind of exciting. We are under contract on a house for our upcoming move! Here’s a picture of the front. I think it’s super adorable.

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Wonder Week 12

I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on this baby business stuff.  I’ve had four and each one has been a completely different experience; each came with their own challenges.  I’m still trying to figure out when Ashton Kutcher is going to hop out  of my pantry and tell me I’m being punked, and hand me my real screaming, projectile vomitting baby. Ev … Continue reading Wonder Week 12